Saturday, May 21, 2011


After many years of trials and tribulations of different treatments and medications we finally found a treatment that appears to be working and will make it possible to get off the prednisone. This new  treatment is a medication I take daily called Gleevec . It is a medication that they use for a specific type of leukemia patient typically , but they have found that it is helping people with vasculitis and other rheumatologic disorders. Finally hope and some success in moving forward with my life and living with a disease that you truly can live with and manage.


       In the depths of my heart I am elated , grateful , and filled with joy and hope. I have finally reached a point in my life where I can mange this illness and be a part of life . That has been one of my biggest goals , besides getting off of the steroids. I am reaching my goals . The golden trickled yellow shine of the sun has finally appeared in my life. You think I would be overjoyed and content yet there is still that uneasiness . Why is it that when things are going well there is still that questioning fear that manages to squeeze its way through and sneak up on us like a holiday or a dreaded birthday . I guess wherever there is light darkness' ominous way still manages to embraces us and our hidden fears.

    Things are good , life is good , it was cheesy but now thinking back to my days in elementary school in times of darkness and ominous suspicions we have to remember that song " This little light of mine , I'm gonna let it shine , this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine , this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine , LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE !
        It could be interpreted in many ways and you may look at it or interpret it in a completely different way, but it is all about not letting that darkness take away our inner light within us. So in these times of doubt wether your life may be great or looking down try and remember to let YOUR LIGHT SHINE !! that is what will truly drive the darkness and fear away

Friday, May 6, 2011


When we we are faced with challenges in life we all deal with them differently . Some try to ignore these scary ideals and hope they will go away . Others want to attempt to hide from them , or an individual may use tools. When you think of tools usually what comes to mind are objects such as hammers, nails , saws , putty and other building materials .
      The thing is that in life you can not always physically see the hardships we are challenged with . Therefore the tools we use may not have a physical appearance either but that does not mean that they are not there and it does not mean that they will not work with out life's projects.

    Instead of putty or nails keeping things together we may have our families or friends supporting our infrastructure instead. A psychologist could serve as our hammer to pound things into our minds when we are having a hard time , especially when the emotions crowd up our vision of seeing the reality . They could also serve as a saw to help cut things down and clear them out. Other tools could be activities such as working out , doing yoga , baking , painting , crafts , and other things that help us remain calm and exert that excess energy and stress we have.

When you get the bottom of it though we are the contractors and builders of our lives . We are given tools and individuals along the way to help us with these proposals but it has to come from our effort , hearts , and mind to get things started . Just like all projects there will be slip ups or mistakes but as long as you use your tools you can conquer them .

   No one is perfect and things do not always work out but that does not mean that nothing good came from it and that there was no progress made. It is those small progressions which get us there eventually . Slow down and take your time ... remember , "Just keep swimming"