After all these years , I personally have finally come to terms with accepting that I have a medical disorder and have grown to be more comfortable with it and it being part of my life. I was afraid and did not want to acknowledge that their was something , I don't want to say "wrong with me" because there is nothing wrong me with, but I guess you could use the cliche word Different. Those of you who already know me know that I am "Different" ha ha ha , just playing but still it was very challenging and scary to accept that I have a medical condition that is life altering but I realized that it does not have to be a negative or bad thing.
It has taught me a lot and made me the strong individual that I am and has opened my eyes and other aspects in my life for myself , my family , friends and others in my life.
I have been telling my parents that I felt so alone with my vasculitis churgstrauss syndrome. It is not like these other conditions such as cancer or diabetes where every one has heard about them or you have met quite a few people who have experienced them. Wether it being them themselves or someone in their life. So I opened up and last week I joined two pages on facebook related to vasculitis awareness.
One is the Vasculitis Foundation page and the other The Vasculitis foundation support group for WNY.
Then Yesterday While I was on The support group page something caught my eye ,
"Violin for Vasculitis". There is a 23 year old young woman name Allison Lint from Cuyahoga falls who had Wegener's granulomatosis , a form of vasculitis and is now in remission . She has designed a program to raise awareness and funds for the vasculitis foundation. She will be doing this by a recital tour to all 50 states. You can read more about this by clicking on the following link
Following this a woman who was on this page saw my comment I had left Allison Lint and contacted me . This woman has the same vasculitis as I do , Churgstrauss syndrome . She also proceeded to inform me that she knows 40 others who are effected it and if I would like to meet them on facebook to let her know . Suddenly hope and comfort was fulfilling my soul , I AM NOT ALONE .
Even though you are told by doctor's and others in your life that their are others out there with what you have , you do not see it or hear from others who have vasculitis so it can feel a bit lonely . I have the full love of support of my family and friends so I know that I am not alone but it is nice to know that their are other individuals out there who go through what you do . And I finally have discovered that revelation . It is nice to know I AM NOT ALONE
I am trying to know abut the dissease because they just told me about, my little 8 years old nice. She has vasculitis in her eyes and we really dont konw what is this. So I start looking for information. They use some lasser to stop the redness from the blood she is in Mexico City at the hospital testing a lot of things but they really dont know